In the past I’ve had a terrible relationhip with plants and I contributed to a lot of plant deaths. I wasn’t at all green fingered and to be honest I didn’t really have any interest in plants or gardening. Over the last year, that has changed dramatically, I now grow herbs, talk to my ivy plants and I’m currently working on my vegetable garden. I never thought about filling my home with plants before but now I want as many as possible all over my house.
I first saw the air plants from Air Plants Ireland on my friend’s Instagram page (@emily_thepretendadult, definitely follow Emily, she’s fabulous). I knew I needed one in my house and as soon as it was back in stock, I purchased one. Air Plants Ireland is a Galway based business with a range of different air plants from small and cute to giant jellyfish creations on offer. I of course had to have the giant jellyfish.
My beautiful new plant baby now hangs proudly in my kitchen where it is admired every day. There is something very peaceful and calming about it. I love it so much that I have just ordered another one.

Air plants need less time and care than traditional plants so whether you’re a green witch or a plant killer, there will be an air plant to suit you. Air Plants Ireland send an instruction sheet with each baby which includes information on caring for it in terms of watering, light and polination if you want more air plant babies. Basically they need some light and can be dunked in the sink for a little bath every few weeks.
My air plant cost €18 plus postage of about €6. I’m thrilled with my purchase and I will definitely order from again.