
Team Hope’s Shoebox Appeal

Over the last few years I have participated in Team Hope’s Shoebox Appeal either through work or personally.  The Shoebox Appeal delivers Christmas presents to some of the world’s poorest children.  The boxes are delivered to countries such as Romania, Kosovo, Rwanda, Malawi and more. There is still time to send a box to Team […]


PS Collection from Penneys

It is probably very obvious by now that I adore Penneys.  This evening I’m sharing some of my recent PS goodies and buys with you. I was very kindly gifted these by Penneys a little while ago and I must apologise that I have taken so long to review them. I have been using them and […]


Snapchat Dog

Continuing with my quick and affordable Halloween tutorials, today is the easiest of all looks.  This is perfect for a very last minute look.  The best part of this is you can do whatever make-up you want, totally your own choice and preference.  I recommend a lot of contouring and highlighter to create a filter […]


Wednesday Addams

Today’s quick and easy Halloween tutorial is Wednesday Addams.  Out of all of the looks I have created this is one of my favourite as I was able to dress Gatsby up as Pugsley.  We had lots of fun.  Once again very few products are required for this. You will need: Pale foundation Dark brown, […]


Morticia Addams

I think it is very clear by now that I love Halloween.  Over the years I have created various make-up tutorials and have tried to make them as fuss free and as accessible as possible. I’m continuing this with Halloween looks.  They don’t have to be expensive or overly difficult.  I have already shown you […]


Halloween Haul

I love love love Halloween.  It is my absolute favourite time of year.  Halloween in our house officially starts on Pumpkin’s birthday which is the 13th of September.  One of my favourite things in life is to look at the Halloween stuff as it arrives in the shops.  This is has been something that I […]


Halloween – Mavis from Hotel Transylvania

Leaves have fallen, it is starting to get a little colder, it is getting darker earlier and Halloween is near.  This is my absolute favourite time of year.  Nothing makes me happier than feeling a chill and browsing Halloween products in shops.  I will have a separate post on my favourite Halloween items but today […]


Wedding Wednesday: Bridal by Nikki Kavanagh

My Wedding Wednesday posts have dramatically slowed down over the last few weeks as I have been ridiculously busy.  Anyway, today I wanted to talk to you about a gorgeous bridal shop.  A while ago I was invited to the launch of Bridal by Nikki Kavanagh in Ratoath.  My bridesmaid/cousin/partner in crime and I arrived to […]


Penneys – Autumnal Treasures

I regularly write about great finds in Penneys in terms of make-up, storage and clothes. Today I’m sticking to clothes and sharing some of my new favourite Autumn pieces with you. First up I want to talk about this biker jacket. It was €14! Unbelievable. It is really pretty and very comfortable. I wanted a […]


Bryt Skincare

Last week I attended the launch of a new range to reach our shores, Bryt Skincare. Bryt was designed by Catkin Wemyss-Bodmer who gave a very passionate and poignant speech about the origins of the brand and the inspiration behind it. Catkin spoke of the importance of a good skincare routine and wowed us all by […]